I know I say that kind of thing a lot around here, but honestly I don't always feel that way. a (cyber) smile is sometimes a great cover-up for just not feeling all lemonade-and-puppies.
but today I did feel blessed. totally glad to be alive and have relationships with people, and live the piece of life that's been given to me for right now. know what I mean?
you know how you can do the same thing every single day, but some days you feel aggravated and sick of life and jaded and moody, and other days it's like your soul is singing because the sun is up?
yeah. I'm so there.
today was the latter kind of day.
I just like people.
lately I've been talking to a friend in mexico (from the orphanage, i often visit) and we just chat about everything, all the time. and it blows my mind that this is a normal person, someone I would never meet in the "real world", yet so neat.
people are so intricate.
I just love how each person on the earth has a unique set of experiences and opinions, and a favorite color and a specific way of thinking. and a thumbprint, their own thumbprint. and a name.
really, I don't even know where I'm going with this. it just kills me sometimes to pass people on the street and not get to know them.
some people need a person to listen, and I could listen!
you know?
or someone probably just needs a friend, needs reassurance; whatever.
it's so human to need other humans.
I wish we could all know each other and be friends.
ummm. yeah. okay, well now that i just sounded like the girl from Mean Girls, go listen to the beetles and drink tea (I recommend green or chai) and get on with your life. I really don't know where my thoughts are, today.
okay, here's my question for you, friend.
do you know what I'm talking about today?
do you ever feel like just breaking all those normal barriers and just giving someone a hug?
helping them out?
showing you care even when it looks weird?
I don't really act on this the way I'd like to just so you know...but I really wish I did.
I'm really curious to know if anyone else feels the same.