today was a marvelous day! i got to see my favorite cousin (whose pretty much my sister) graduate high school and meet my new baby sister and spend time with my family! now what could be better?
my cousin looked beautiful and her graduation was lovely. i am soooo proud of her and her accomplishments. she is truly a captivating young women who has such a bright future ahead of her.
karen always remember:
Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say
she did it!!!!

After the graduation my whole family headed over to my grandma's for fun and food. Here is where i saw my dad and got to meet my baby sister Annabella "makayla", she is beautiful, and I was so thankful that God gave me peace and love to share with her. i wasn't sure how I felt about seeing my dad have another baby girl, but thankfully the Lord is good, and all I wanted to do was hold her and all I thought about was how beautiful she was and how lovely she smelt. the LORD is faithful. I fell in love with her instantly.
look at all that hair!! she is precious!
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