Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It all means

Monday, February 14, 2011

Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.
Surely the lowborn are but a breath,
the highborn are but a lie.
If weighed on a balance, they are nothing;
together they are only a breath.
Do not trust in extortion
or put vain hope in stolen goods;
though your riches increase,
do not set your heart on them.
One thing God has spoken,
two things I have heard:
“Power belongs to you, God,
and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”;
and, “You reward everyone
according to what they have done.”
-Psalm 62
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some people think it is creepy how best friends say “I love you” to each other often. But I think when you love someone; you can’t help but sound at least a little creepy. Love is love. No matter if it’s for your Mom, your dog or pet turtle, a boy, or your best friend. And when you are lucky enough to have people to love, and be loved, you need to let them know how thankful you are for that, and how much you love them back. Therefore with fears of sounding creepy let your friends know you love them and are so thankful for their friendship and the memories you have shared with each other.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Your love for God.
I wrote about God's unconditional crazy beautiful love for you, but what about the love you return to Him?
I haven't been sleeping very well lately, I have been making long lists of things i need to do while I lay in bed at night. I toss and turn sweaty and yucky removing my comforter, then my sheets, then my pajama shirt, then 10 minutes later I am cold and thirsty. This lasts throughout the night. Last night while this routine continued, I decided to put this time I waste laying in bed to some good use. So I began to pray, and you know, I really wanted to pray. Why in the world does that matter? it's been a little while in the past couple months (really? months?) of loving, loving, loving everything else like design and the gym and photography and friends. and just not feelin' it with Jesus. You know when you continue the whole reading and praying everyday with little to no emotion, just doing it to check it off my to do list and hope that He will give me some of the things I pray for, what a yucky praying heart, I know. I mean can you imagine if God did this to us? If he had that kind of love for us? Thank God, He loves us with a radical love unlike no other.
So last night at 2 am, i just lay awake praying for people, for myself, for the world, I just prayed. It was like this real deal where I wanted to talk to God and I knew that He heard me. I was praying about different things... and then it hit me like- "hillary, you're praying. Its too late to be awake, and you're praying. since when did you feel like just straight-up talking to God like this? Since when did you begin to feel this intense crazy Jesus?"
And then I was all of a sudden crying a lot, because oh my goodness this is not from me. I didn't suddenly give myself a passion for God in like one day. I just kind of asked God, with my stupid words for praying and everything and my heart is new, its like someone else's heart, definitely not like mine. That's what Jesus does when you strive to love Him! He transforms hearts, it's so cliche-sounding that I hate saying it- I can't stand when people say things about Jesus that just sound so good and so clean, like He is an accessory to their perfectly assembled life. and I want you to know that it is not that way with my life, even if I only talk about optimistic things; I'm total crap- make sure you get that. I am by no means claiming to have a passionate fire-burning love for God, but I am claiming to desire that. I also know He changes people's heart because He changed mine and I long to love God the way He loves me. It's like "jeez!" it kills me! How can I be so selfish and God still love me so. If you're still reading this, you're maybe thinking, "Why does the all powerful God of the absolute universe even bother loving us if we don't return it? That doesn't make sense Hill?" yeah i know, it is overwhelming, I don't get it... that's what I'm crying about! it's ridiculous!
It doesn't make any sense its been days and weeks and months of me loving, loving, loving other stuff, and now I am realizing how little I have loved God, hence the tears that were pouring last night.
So I was sobbing at two in the morning because He blows my mind. He is mine and yours and He is allowing me and you and you the privilege of loving Him. SO TAKE IT! I challenge you to be completely obsessively possessively passionately in love with God. Love him more than you love life itself because He's the reason you have it. So let's all take this challenge together; strive to love God as much as He loves us.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

But I have realized that kind of perfectness does not exist in a person. It exists in a connection, a relationship. That is what love is. Love is that person who isn't necessarily perfect, but it perfect for you.
They say real love comes when you aren't searching for it. I used to think that it was absurd to say that because most everyone is searching for love; and many do find it. But of all those people I know, who I've watched love, though it may not have lasted forever, I've realized one thing. They all loved. There isn't a person I know who could end their life saying they haven't loved. The moment I realized that was the moment I decided to stop searching. Therefore I am no longer searching for that perfect guy, for that perfect relationship, for that perfect life.
I've never been in true love. But I am waiting for it. No longer searching. Waiting, because I know it will come. And I now challenge you to do the same. Stop searching, you will have love in your life, I promise. Stop searching and wait patiently.
Sunday, February 6, 2011

In honor of the superbowl and all the dads that seem to be obsessed with sports in general, todays post is on a father's love. But my father's love is going to be nothing like my mother's love post. You see my mom and I have a way stronger, deeper, more real relationship then mine and my dad's. I mean I love my dad, and when I was younger I was a complete daddy's girl, but over the years I realized that NO one will be there for me like my mom. And when dad fails (which he did often), mom was there to pick up the pieces.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
On love.

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Sometimes I think about how great it would be to once again be one of those people who have someone special loving them. One day after a devastating heartbreak I sat down on my bed and I cried at my loneliness and broken heart. Suddenly my mother came in and placed a cup of tea in my room. She sat on my bed and held my head on her lap. She let me cry. She just sat, twirling my hair, quietly, she sat. (Thinking of this moment made me tear up haha)
Moments like this, those bittersweet moments, where you wish you weren’t crying but you know you’re lucky to be in someone’s arms while you are crying, those moments make me realize that I have been loved all my life. And I just don’t always acknowledge it. Any other love is nothing compared to a mother's love. MY mother's love. What is so special about my mother's love you ask? Well, for one she is the strongest most hard-working woman I have ever met, she has always been an example of a woman who fears and praises the Lord, she has never stopped loving me or my siblings no matter how big our mistakes, she has supported every crazy idea and decision me and my crazy sisters and brother have made, and she does whatever she possibly can to see that our dreams do come true, not to mention the many trivial ways she loves us, that we so often take for granted. From making sure we have breakfast to cleaning like a mad woman ALL the time to making sure we have money in our bank accounts so we can have a fun time with friends to all the wonderful sushi dates and even shopping trips (which are probably for her more than they are for us, but that is beside the point.)
My mother has sacrificed so much for me. She has helped me get to where I am today and if it were not for her hard work and unconditional love I don’t know where I would be. Therefore I am making my mommy my Valentine this year, and I am not upset about that one bit because that is one of the best loves ever known to man. A mother’s love.
Therefore please remember to love those mommies in your life who have always been there and acknowledge the love they give you, and give it right back.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

With words like that from our wonderful heavenly Creator, who needs a Valentine? I mean honestly. Don’t those words just fill your heart with comfort? This song has become one of my top favorites, it often helped me get through some rough days where I felt alone, and it reminded me that I am definitely absolutely not alone. He is by my side. And He is holding me. And when you finally realize that you have someone like God by your side, a Valentine’s love just seems a little juvenile. I mean really Valentine or not, no one will ever love you as much as He loves.
Look up this song, listen to the words, think about them, and reflect on what they mean to you. How important do these words in this particular song make you feel? They make me feel super duper important. Pick out your favorite part of the song, the part that makes you feel loved and adored by your Heavenly Maker.
My favorite part is where they say, “Why are you looking for love? Why are you still searching as if I’m not enough?” How many of us our guilty of constantly thinking about finding our next boyfriend or girlfriend and then to just fall in love? Or searching to find love anywhere? Well our powerful amazing Father has said that HIS LOVE IS ENOUGH. This is my favorite part – so on the second day of this Valentine’s day month I encourage you to embrace this feeling of God’s love and maybe even give back some love to Him. Spend time with him as you would a Valentine. And remember HIS LOVE IS ENOUGH (this Valentine’s day and always).
Tuesday, February 1, 2011