In light of this beautiful yet dreadful, to some, holiday that is about to grace us with its presences I decided to take a 14 day challenge. Now I am not one to post everyday, I wish I could, but I just don't have that much time or creativity in my life. But I am hoping that this 14 day challenge will keep me accountable to do so for at least the 14 days and maybe after.
Now I LOVE Valentine's day, I love the colors, I love the cakes and cookies, I love the chocolate covered strawberries, I love the flowers, I love the cute dates (that this year I get to hear about from my friends), I love the idea of celebrating such a beautiful feeling, I love the decorations, oh yes and did I mention I LOVE THE COLORS?! But this is the first year in awhile that I have been single and sans a Valentine... and that I guess is what made me decide to do "14 day challenge." No I am not IN love with someone at the moment but I still believe in love entirely because I am in fact IN love with life at the moment. So if youre single this Valentine's day, instead of being one of the many bitter single souls, that I do NOT want to be apart of, join me in this 14 day adventure in finding happiness and love in your own life, I promise it won't be boring.
So this adventure will give you self-love challenges, challenges to believe in love, inspiring love stories, and help you realize how blessed and filled with love your life truly is. let's begin.
Day #1

"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance."
-Oscar Wilde
Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself.
Today on the first day of this "love month" how about you think about the love you have for yourself, because you can't really love someone else if you don't love yourself first. (need some help on this area? No worries, I recently wrote about self love- read it.) Then come up with 5 things you love about yourself- no matter how self-centered and conceited it sounds, no matter how long it takes, do it.
1. I love that I always find a positive in everything- no matter what
2. I love my very emotional sensitive heart
3. I love my love for books
4. I love my natural hair
5. I love my smile
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