Spring break is only 3 days away at least for me. And that means Cabo with two of my favorites is only 3 days away, oh how I need this break so desperately. To escape the real world of making plans and competing for internships and pulling all nighters and feeling like a crazy person with a million ideas of what the future holds, yes in definite need of a lovely carefree spring break. But with all the rain and snow and hail and cold weather that somehow found its way back to this year it can be hard to remember that spring is on its way. I wanted to remind you that spring is coming, so please: i know these winter days go on and on and on but know that spring is coming soon. It is tempting us, sometimes with spots of heat to warm our cold limbs melting the snow away and fighting the clouds away, giving us hope, until night falls and the snow and cold comes back, but don't be doubtful spring is coming.
Wake up and breathe the fearless changing air. and please: believe in beautiful things. Believe in the sun coming up, believe in a warm hand, believe in a warm burst of sunshine, believe in the future and believe in this very second. I know sometimes things are horrible, things are cold, and hard, and sad, and stressful but you are alive and living. and breathing and constantly changing. and every time the air feels stale and it feels like it is not going to get better, please remember to breathe: continue living and breathing and fighting and keeping you heart going. because what else is there to do but to continue? please. believe in good hearts, most importantly believe in your own good heart, strong and beating. This life, it hurts sometimes, and sometimes we cry to sleep and wake up heavy-hearted but remember: the earth doesn't stop. our heart keeps going, it keeps beating, you keep moving and fighting, so when you wake up in the mornings, awake new and face the day with eager shining eyes and love with a full full heart. Spring is coming, just hold on dear heart.
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