think: what have you always wanted to do? hold that thought tight. behind closed eyes. let the thought travel through your veins. let that thought grow with the energy that is within your body. let it grow until your tiny limbs can’t keep it in. set it free. you’ve sent that want into the world. now go chase it, make it true. capture that energy back through the experience that the want has led you to.
think: what have you always wanted to be? breathe in, deep. feel that air filling up every nook & cranny of your body. breathe in & let that want fill every pore, every wrinkle, every imperfection. let that want bring you up further into the sky. exhale. soar down to earth on the breeze of your want. when your feet touch the soil you are that want. you are what you have always wanted to be.
I'm doing what I have always wanted to do and being who I have always wanted to be. Thank you Jesus for making things work.....always.

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