Conversation between me and a friend:
Me: I wanna figure out what i want to be..
Her: For what, halloween?
Me: No, like for life.
Us: Hahahahahahhaha
During this specific holiday that is coming up, no not my birthday, however that is important, but I'm speaking of Halloween it is so common for kids and adults to play dress up and buy costumes. When I was a little girl one year I was a princess, the next three years I was a doctor, the next year I was a fairy, and this list continued. And I am beginning to think that my choosing of my costume had much to do with what I wanted to be in life, now this is not to say that since last year I was a mermaid that I still want to be a mermaid at age 20, let's not be extreme. But I do believe that children often would love to be what they dress up as on October 31st, hence all the batman and superman and princess costumes we see.

As Nas tells us:
Boys and girls, listen up
You can be anything in the world, in God we trust
An architect, doctor, maybe an actress
But nothing comes easy it takes much practice
I know I can
Be what I wanna be (
If I work hard at it
I'll be where I wanna be
(Look up the song cause all of it is great motivation)
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