Sunday, April 29, 2012

dear future graduates,

it is normal to feel worried about the future, but with that in mind, please remember that while it is normal for those thoughts to cross your mind, there is absolutely nothing good that can come from dwelling on your negative or scary worries about the future.

do what you can do today, and then let it be done. when you wake up in the morning- greet the day with a smile and decide to do all that you can do in that day, and let that be enough. because you know what? you cant do anything more than ALL you can do. and to worry about anything beyond that will only bring you misery and frustration.

remember that there was a time that you worried that you wouldn't make it through the next day? and you always did. you are here, arent you?

wouldnt it be oh-so-much more wonderful to live each day to its fullest, doing your very best, and then let it go? everything will work out in the way it should, and all we can do is all we can do. and we can do it with a smile, with a spring in our step, and with hope in the future if we choose to do so.

let the worries go fellow graduates, it is gonna work out.  

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