Aside from my awesomeness (and anyone else's born in October), October is a really quirky month all on its own! Of course there is Breast Cancer Awareness, which was sooo done on purpose. The fact that October is breast cancer month is because they know how much I love the color PINK! And my birthday and breast cancer awareness means pink everywhere. EVERYWHERE I tell you! Last year I saw it on the NFL players, it made my life! I think October is such a beautiful month, the weather is so unpredictable; in the middle of summer and winter. I think that October is the start of all the holiday madness that everyone loves so much, and it begins with my (and yours and yours, if you were born this month) BIRTHDAYS!
and although it's a bit nuts--and quite a bit more nuts than I intended--I am so, so SO excited that October is here. I get to see two of our favorite bands, I get to spend time with my family and friends, we get to (hopefully) dress up and go trick-or-treating. AND I have some pretty kickin' days planned this month, too.
My favorite moment of the month so far? I thought it was my fun trip to SLO or the shopping trip that revamped my wardrobe. But yesterday evening, I sat on my bed; eating pumpkin bread while I read my Bible and journaled with messy hair and yoga pants on, I read Psalm 45:11, "The King is enthralled by your beauty." I then realized my favorite part of this month so far has been finally realizing that God's love is enough! and that He will be by my side and your side whenever we fall or call, HIS hands are holding us and He thinks we are beautiful.
HANDS DOWN, definitely the sweetest moment of October :)
So for my birthday month I am making some recommendations on how to have a lovely day/month:
1. write a love letter to yourself. 2.. read a book of ee cummings poetry out loud, even if only the animals or walls are listening. 3. believe in yourself. 4. write down 5 things your love about your life. 5. ask someone you love to write down their favorite 5 things about you. 6. do something you’re afraid of. 7. speak your mind!!! 8. kiss someone new. friendly or romantically. 9. don’t be afraid of failure. 10. eat your favorite dessert outside no matter the weather.

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