it is okay, it is okay it is okay. there is nothing to be nervous about, there is nothing to be afraid of. your heart may feel empty & you may feel like you’re drifting alone in the middle of a stormy sea but listen. please just listen. you are loved by so many people. i think that if you knew the actual number your heart might just explode!!! you are loved by so many people & some of them you’ve never officially met!! yes, you may have smiled at them or nodded your head but when you did you entered their heart in such a way that they won’t forget you for years & years!!! that person you waited in line next to yesterday, they loved you. that person you sat in traffic with yesterday, they loved you too. when you’re feeling lost, alone, anxious, scared remember that someone somewhere is feeling that way too. you’re not alone. you’re never ever alone. & you’re never ever without love. listen to me…
i love you& everything will be okay.

I just felt like it was time to tell you that you matter! You are great! And you are loved! And you are not alone! With God on our side we never need to give up! Please don't stop because you are loved and believed in!
Where is this from?!