Do you remember being little and receiving letters or cards in the mail? Remember how it made your day to see something with your name on it, no matter how small?
Don't you still love personal snail mail? I do.
In high school my dear friend and I lived in the same town, twenty minutes apart, but we wrote letters- one or two a week -just because it was fun and because forty-something cents is a very little expense for such a rare and wonderful thing as a handwritten letter.
I still love to write and receive letters.Of course, my goal is to be more consistent than I am and to write more people than I do. But no guilt. Just the satisfaction of sending a letter that I spent time writing and decorating- is worth it. And knowing I'll make someone's day.
I heard sad news which may or may not be totally accurate- but it makes sense: that the US Postal Service is losing so much business due to email and texting that they may have to cut back their deliveries to three or four days a week, instead of six.Doesn't it bring you to tears to imagine the faithful mailman, out of a job because of electronic communication? I won't stand for it.
Our mailman at home is especially great; he is even on our people to get a Christmas gift left. I don’t want to just open my email and have an inbox filled, I want an old-fashioned mail slot for hand-deliveries.
I don't want to see this go. You probably don't, either. So let's do our part. It's like growing a victory garden or collecting scrap metal. We ought to do what we can to support something as American as the good USPS.
Send a letter. Hug a mailman. Save America, one stamp at a time. expect a letter loves. xox
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