lately I've been thinking about how everyone has a different idea of normal.
to me, normal is someone similar to me-
preferences at least close to mine in morals, food, style, religion, social behaviors, etc.
I have influences that make me the way I am and give me a sense of "normal".
most people have the same idea, only with their own set of preferences.
you don't think someone is abnormal, necessarily, for disliking your favorite food,
but you might think of them as abnormal if they ate a diet full of food you've never heard of.
but to them, that's normal.
for their culture, eating those things is how they live.
that's what they do.
it's weird that you don't do that.
you can see someone's "normal" even by only small interactions.
what their style is.
what kind of friends they have.
what kind of clothes they wear.
what they think about the world.
sometimes I run into people who throw me off and seem so foreign (which can be awesome)
and sometimes there are people who sound like an extension of me (which is also awesome, ha ha)
I guess a lot of why it's been on my mind is because of being in Mexico over the summer, which immersed me in another culture, or really another part of my culture and then living with my awesome unique roommates.
you know, hearing about their families, who have a certain set of normal, which to me is abnormal. (like eating spam)
and then I do things that they think are abnormal but it's all i've ever done.
I'm not talking about being upset or bitter.
just different.
it's kinda like...
they are the weird ones!
you know?
but I suppose all of us are the weird ones, from someone else’s' point of view.
Then I think of how absolutely Creative and AMAZING God is, to have made such different unique people and how totally awesome it is, because really how boring would the world be if everyone was like you or me? Ya know?
does that make sense?
I was going to write about it in my journal before talking about it anywhere else but...I chose to sleep instead, so here you go.
I'm not asking if you "love everyone regardless", obviously we do. but honestly, what do you think? what is normal?
I think uniqueness and differences are what make people so remarkable.

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