I’ll tell you exactly how many there are. there is one for every single person alive today, and one for every person that has ever lived. there are new ones being born every day, a new star for every new child.
We’re all up there, God made one for each of His children. With our feet planted on the ground, when we look up to see the stars, some of them we see faintly, others we can’t see, some burn brightly, and there are some that make themselves known from the farthest reaches of the universe, sometimes only when someone’s looking just right. The point is that they have more in common then they don’t, and every single one of them burns and burns and burns. Whether you even know that it exists or not, each one burns day in and day out. and as you’ve probably guessed by now, I’m not just talking about the stars. I’m talking about you. And your neighboring stars, your friends, your family, the other people who share this great wide world, they can see exactly how brightly you burn. they know your luminescence. Maybe others don’t get close enough to see it, but that doesn’t for one second change the fact that you are there, you exist, and you burn, and you glow, you are powerful, and you light up the sky. you’re part of something far greater than what you see and what you know and what you comprehend, and we all are, and that is beautiful.

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