"I feel my boots trying to leave the ground, I feel my heart pumping hard.
I want to think again of dangerous and noble things.
I want to be light and frolicsome.
I want to be improbable, beautiful and afraid of nothing,as though I had wings."
-Mary Oliver

Girls are brought up with this idea of how they are suppose to act like, maybe from Disney movies (not that I blame them), maybe from the traditional Mexican grandma I have, or maybe just from being obsessed with the color pink. Whatever the case, we are brought up to believe that the right one is out there. That our knight will find us on his white steed and we will live happily ever after. We are impregnated with films and books with the stories about our knight in shining armor.But I think that the current cultural message telling us it is attractive to play dumb and depend on our beauty to have a man “save” us is completely destructive. And all of you who know me and are reading this, know that I am as girly as they come not a feminist at all- I love to wear the fancy dresses, the pink, flowers galore, the sparkly heels, the whole cha-bang. I have no problem cooking a meal or refilling a drink but I also know that woman are to be respected for their minds and their ideas, not for playing the damsel in distress. My dad made it very clear that there was to be no prince coming to my rescue, I was not raised to play helpless, or dumb, or cute, or flutter my lashes to get what I want (even if I know it works). I was instead raised to know that I am strong and intelligent, to work hard, and to use my mind, to be a leader, to pay attention to my dreams, that I needed no man to “save” me because there was no saving necessary and if there was, I could do it because we are strong and we are strong

“Every woman who plays cute instead of smart, who is known for her body more than her brains, or who depends on her pout to get what she wants is part of the problem.”
If I want to be a heronine, it is time to start behaving like one.

I wanna do it all: be an excellent daughter, an excellent cook, play an instrument, sew, decorate, plan, save the world, read every book I find, make time for all my friends, be an incredible sister, a good Christian, a fun person, garden, tell funny jokes, be a lady always, know how to shoot whiskey, surf, an excellent student, shop, find an amazing job, live in huts saving people, yep I wanna do it all, just watch me, I will.

“Oh, screw beautiful. I'm brilliant. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.”
-Cristina Yang, Grey’s Anatomy
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