Friday, December 31, 2010

end of the year

"I believe in the good. I believe that it's been a hell of a year, and I believe that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we'll all be okay. I believe a lot of things. And I believe that if I eat a tub of butter and no one sees me, then calories don't count. And I believe that surgeons who prefer staples over stitches are just lazy. I believe even though you made this mistake, you will be okay, I believe we survive, And I believe that believing we survive is what makes us survive."
Grey's Anatomy

I am looking forward to a new year, so long 2010 hello 2011.

my challenge for a new years resolution:
There is no reason not to live every moment as positively and as present as you can. Don't wait for someday. Love your life as it is and live your happily ever after right NOW.

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."

-Neil Gaman

Monday, December 27, 2010

10 life lessons from Buddy the Elf

One of my all-time favorite movies is Elf, and, while watching it (again for the tenth time this season!), I exclaimed, "I should write about how positive Buddy the Elf is!" I often have these blog-post-related epiphanies, but this one I'm actually turning into a reality, however it is two days late but better late than never, right? You might not like the film or might have never seen it, which I highly recommend you do. You might not share my affinity for elf culture, or for Buddy. But I guarantee that you'll gain something from the life lessons I gathered after watching the film yet another time.

10 Life Lessons from Elf:

Lesson#1: Spread cheer (Christmas and otherwise).
"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."
Spreading cheer sounds easy enough to do -but when the people around you aren't into it, it is pretty difficult. That's one of the great things about Buddy the Elf. He doesn't care if other people are cheerful or not. He continues to look for the positive in the things around him and point them out to others. And, in addition, he tries to encourage others to be cheerful as well. It's not always easy to be cheerful, but Buddy serves as a motivating inspiration for the benefits of having a cheerful attitude.

Lesson #2: Make smiling your favorite.
"I just like to smile! Smiling's my favorite."
Smiling is a small thing that is actually a big thing. The small act of smiling can change not only someone else's day, but your own as well. Try it. Next time you see someone- remember this and make smiling your favorite thing to do. Greeting someone with a smile can transform an interaction and set a pleasant tone for that person - and for you as well.

Lesson #3: Be yourself, even when it's hard to know who you are
"Actually, I'm a human, but I was raised by elves."
From the beginning of the film, Buddy struggles with his identity. Having been raised by elves, rather than humans, he struggles to figure out where he fits in the world. He might look like a human but he certainly acts like an elf. Nevertheless, throughout the film, Buddy strives to be himself -- even when that self makes him stick out dramatically in the human world. It would be much easier for him to learn and conform to the standards around him, but Buddy chooses to stay true to himself -a trait I admire in anyone (human
or elf!) so be yourself.

Lesson #4: Give out compliments freely.
"Deb, you have such a pretty face. You should be on a Christmas card!"
One thing Buddy does incredibly well is dole out compliments. The number of positive things Buddy says about other people is actually pretty amazing. Making the effort not only to see the positive in others, but to tell them about it as well, can have a very powerful impact on your social interactions.

Lesson #5: Take risks.
"Papa says my real father lives in a magical place far away... but the thing is, I've never left the North Pole."
Want good things to happen to you? Take risks. At the beginning of the film, Buddy finds out that he's not actually an elf and, though he's never before left the North Pole, he decides to bravely venture to NYC to meet his human father. TAKE RISKS!

Lesson #6: Don't give up.
"I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."
On more than one occasion, Buddy is faced with challenges, but instead of complaining or giving up, as many of us do, Buddy takes his challenges head-on and does what he needs to do to achieve whatever goal he's working towards. With the amount of times Buddy is put down in the film, it would have been much easier for him to give up and return the life he'd been living, but he never gives up!

Lesson #7: Speak your mind.
"If you can sing alone, you can sing in front of other people. There's no difference."
In a conversation with his love interest, Jovie, Buddy explains to her that there's no difference between singing in front of others and singing alone (a fact he then goes on to demonstrate). Though she strongly disagrees with his point, Buddy doesn't seem to mind and continues to do what he can to convince her. This is only one example of how, in the film, Buddy is never afraid to say what's on his mind. He'll tell someone he loves him. He'll tell a fake Santa he's a fraud. He'll speak the truth -- and his mind -- without hesitation, something most are afraid to do. We could all learn a thing or two from Buddy's ability to be open and honest with those around him.

Lesson #8: Let life excite you.
"Good news! I saw a dog today!"
One of the things I love most about Buddy the Elf is his ability to be truly excited by life. In the scene from which the quote above was taken, Buddy greets his half-brother after school and exclaims with utter joy how he's spent his day. The most mundane things excite Buddy and there's not a bit of him that holds back his excitement for life. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone was this happy to be alive? If everyone looked at the world around him/her with utter excitement? Too often I get caught up on what I have to get done and I forget to stop and really be present and enjoy the moment- something Buddy seems to do very well.

Lesson #9: Show affection.

"Does somebody need a hug?"
Now, I wouldn't recommend hugging everyone (as Buddy demonstrates in the quote above, said right before he attempts to hug an angry-looking raccoon), but I do think there's a lesson to be learned from Buddy's ability to openly and consistently show affection. Showing affection is a great way to connect with others and make their lives, and yours too, more positive!

Lesson #10: Do what you love.
"First we'll make snow angels for two hours, then we'll go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then we'll snuggle."
If there's one lesson to be taken away from the film, it's this: do what you love. Buddy, being the positive elf that he is, loves doing a lot of things and they aren't the "normal" things most adult men love to do, but you know what? He does them anyway. He doesn't let the human culture constrain him, forcing him to do what he "should" do. No, Buddy makes his own path and finds ways to spend time doing the things he loves to do. We should all follow Buddy's lead and be honest with ourselves about what we truly love to do. Once we've identified our favorite things, it's time to put that love into action because doing what you love to do is wonderful.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Gift suggestions this Christmas

“Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy... give forgiveness.
To an opponent... give tolerance.
To a friend... give your heart.
To a customer... give service.
To all... give charity.
To every child... give a good example.
To yourself... give respect.”

Oren Arnold

My favorite one is the last one, please always show yourself respect! because you deserve that and so so much more!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

how i wish that it would snow

Now it's here, I am looking forward to snowballs and hot chocolates and mittens and advent calendars and warm pajamas and christmas trees and stockings and chestnuts roasting on the open fire and ice skating.

I want a winter picnic like the Beatles

Is this not really the most wonderful time of the year!? I loved coming home to beautiful Christmas after a long stressful week of finals. I am looking forward to sleigh rides, and baking cookies, and long runs with the sister in the cold, and mini road trips to visit friends, and a mission trip to one of the greatest places in the world, and plenty of disneyland Christmas days, and mistletoe, and catching up with old friends, and making new ones, and eggnog, and Santa, and sooo much more.

Hello Christmas! Hello Holidays!