Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It all means

Moral of the story (challenge):

Be happy now in the present! You are loved and there is so much for you to love. We are going to be fine, better than fine! I promise! If you are dying to fall in love with someone why not try yourself?

Monday, February 14, 2011


Until then I have love from: myself, God, mom, daddy, sisters, broski, friends.
And tonight Jaqui (who is the cutest sweetest ever!) and we are gonna get dressed up in red and glitter heels, go see our true love Justin Bieber with our other loves Ben and Jerry!
Enjoy this day however you spend it, think of all the love that surrounds you!
Remember: YOU are significant with or without another.
Reminder: I LOVE YOU!

Good for the soul:

Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.

Surely the lowborn are but a breath,
the highborn are but a lie.
If weighed on a balance, they are nothing;
together they are only a breath.
Do not trust in extortion
or put vain hope in stolen goods;
though your riches increase,
do not set your heart on them.

One thing God has spoken,
two things I have heard:
“Power belongs to you, God,
and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”;
and, “You reward everyone
according to what they have done.”

-Psalm 62

Sunday, February 13, 2011


With the day just around the corner, meaning less than an hour away I thought why not make a list of all the things I want in my future Valentine, so that when i find him, love doesn't make me blind. You should make a list of all things you want in your future Valentines too.
Here is a little list of mine. of course some of these are necessary and some would just be nice:

-Christian- Man after God's heart
- servant's heart
- honest and trustworthy
- caring
- has similar morals and values
- goal orientated
- makes decisions
- even tempered
- dependable
- enjoys surprising me
- makes me feel important
- wants me to grow as a person
- is not possessive or jealous
- supports my ideas
- gets along with my family
- likes sports
- plays the guitar (if he can sing, that'd be nice)
- takes care of himself
- will play with my hair
- a good listener
- can make me laugh
- passionate about something
- romantic
- great smile
- into sports
- self- confident
- hard-working
- respects me
-can solve a rubik's cube
- enjoys to dance
- patient
- able to ask for help
and number one with a bullet: A NICE BUTT! (;

Point being: NEVER settle for less than you deserve

Saturday, February 12, 2011


A Friend's love.

I think we often leave out an extremely special form of love- the love I am referring to is the love you have for a best friend. It is unique and so important to have. It is more than just affection for someone; it's a deep underlying connection. My friend's have been here for me when my sisters and mom have been too far away. The comfort of knowing you can tell them everything, and not have worry about being judged. The first people you tell when something exciting happens, or when something scary happens. The people you turn to when you need to vent. The people you can laugh at because they will just laugh back at you. The people you need to tell things to so your brain doesn’t explode. The people who can help make you feel better when you’re having a tough day, the ones you turn to for advice. The people you have those crazy nights together that you will never forget but often want to. And maybe most importantly, the ones you tell all your secrets to, especially boy secrets.

Some people think it is creepy how best friends say “I love you” to each other often. But I think when you love someone; you can’t help but sound at least a little creepy. Love is love. No matter if it’s for your Mom, your dog or pet turtle, a boy, or your best friend. And when you are lucky enough to have people to love, and be loved, you need to let them know how thankful you are for that, and how much you love them back. Therefore with fears of sounding creepy let your friends know you love them and are so thankful for their friendship and the memories you have shared with each other.

Friday, February 11, 2011


A Friend is a brother who use to be a bother!
kidding. Over the years Andrew has become a great brother who I know I can count on. And we have always been close, I mean we don't sit there and have sister moments but I know if I need someone to talk or cry to he is there and vise versa, if Janine and Evalynn are reading this you both know what I am talking about, maybe even Auntie Aly (; I love Andy's funny jokes and his crude humor, his amazing cooking, and his adventurous heart, his random visits to San Diego where he buys me lunch and ice cream, and his encouraging words and I love how my first memory of him involves him feeding me cereal and saying "one bite for you, okay now my turn" as he took three bites. My brother has become a truly good guy who has such a bright future ahead of him, and I love him.
I know it is a little harder to express your love to your brothers than to your sisters, if you have both, you know what I am talking about. But I challenge you to try. Try telling your brother you love him and you are thankful for him and his overprotectiveness and his criticism, because it made you safe and gave you thicker skin. (At least it did in my case)
*yes, the picture above is me and Andy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Your love for God.

I wrote about God's unconditional crazy beautiful love for you, but what about the love you return to Him?

I haven't been sleeping very well lately, I have been making long lists of things i need to do while I lay in bed at night. I toss and turn sweaty and yucky removing my comforter, then my sheets, then my pajama shirt, then 10 minutes later I am cold and thirsty. This lasts throughout the night. Last night while this routine continued, I decided to put this time I waste laying in bed to some good use. So I began to pray, and you know, I really wanted to pray. Why in the world does that matter? it's been a little while in the past couple months (really? months?) of loving, loving, loving everything else like design and the gym and photography and friends. and just not feelin' it with Jesus. You know when you continue the whole reading and praying everyday with little to no emotion, just doing it to check it off my to do list and hope that He will give me some of the things I pray for, what a yucky praying heart, I know. I mean can you imagine if God did this to us? If he had that kind of love for us? Thank God, He loves us with a radical love unlike no other.

So last night at 2 am, i just lay awake praying for people, for myself, for the world, I just prayed. It was like this real deal where I wanted to talk to God and I knew that He heard me. I was praying about different things... and then it hit me like- "hillary, you're praying. Its too late to be awake, and you're praying. since when did you feel like just straight-up talking to God like this? Since when did you begin to feel this intense crazy Jesus?"

And then I was all of a sudden crying a lot, because oh my goodness this is not from me. I didn't suddenly give myself a passion for God in like one day. I just kind of asked God, with my stupid words for praying and everything and my heart is new, its like someone else's heart, definitely not like mine. That's what Jesus does when you strive to love Him! He transforms hearts, it's so cliche-sounding that I hate saying it- I can't stand when people say things about Jesus that just sound so good and so clean, like He is an accessory to their perfectly assembled life. and I want you to know that it is not that way with my life, even if I only talk about optimistic things; I'm total crap- make sure you get that. I am by no means claiming to have a passionate fire-burning love for God, but I am claiming to desire that. I also know He changes people's heart because He changed mine and I long to love God the way He loves me. It's like "jeez!" it kills me! How can I be so selfish and God still love me so. If you're still reading this, you're maybe thinking, "Why does the all powerful God of the absolute universe even bother loving us if we don't return it? That doesn't make sense Hill?" yeah i know, it is overwhelming, I don't get it... that's what I'm crying about! it's ridiculous!

It doesn't make any sense its been days and weeks and months of me loving, loving, loving other stuff, and now I am realizing how little I have loved God, hence the tears that were pouring last night.

So I was sobbing at two in the morning because He blows my mind. He is mine and yours and He is allowing me and you and you the privilege of loving Him. SO TAKE IT! I challenge you to be completely obsessively possessively passionately in love with God. Love him more than you love life itself because He's the reason you have it. So let's all take this challenge together; strive to love God as much as He loves us.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sisters Love.
That whole "a sister is a special kind of friend" quote is so incredibly true to me. I have two awesome sisters who are definitely my best friends! I don't think there is a person in this world who knows me more than Janine and Evalynn. I mean we can be at a party or with friends or sitting at the dinner table and I can look at them and they know exactly what I am thinking without saying a word. They always know when I am telling a lie or when I have a new crush or when I am about to make a terrible decision or when I am about to break out in tears or when I have gained even a pound. And the honesty that we have in our relationships is my favorite, some may refer to it as being to critical or putting each other down, but I know we do it out of complete love. As Janine always says, "if I am not going to be honest with you then who will?"

One of my favorite memories is when Evalynn and me were in another argument over clothes I am sure, and she was yelling at me saying awful things and calling me names, I ignored her and started telling Janine about this girl who was being catty to me and in the middle of Evalynn going ghetto on me with frustration she says "oh heck no, no one messes with my sister, hill i will...." (i censor this blog, but you get the point). Sisters can fight and want to ring each others necks but if catastrophe should strike, then no one will defend you like a sister- because no one loves you the way sisters love.

I love my sisters and the love we have for each other is like no other. They truly know every little secret in my life and love me anyway. My sisters are my partners in crime, my midnight companions, my teachers, my defense attorneys, my workout buddies, then my ice cream and cheeto run buddies, my personal press agents, wardrobe assistants, and even my shrinks. Even though some days they are the reason I wish I was an only child, I know that my life would be so boring with out them and their love.

If you have sisters I challenge you to do something nice for them this Valentine's Day, maybe spend a day together wearing matching outfits (like mom use to make you) celebrating you love for each other, remind them that they are your closest most honest people in your life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A Love story.

"Every year as long as I will live," those were the words he said when we were on the phone one night a few years ago.

When I was a freshman, I got a part-time job here at Point Loma as a phon-a-thon caller. Not the greatest job, but I actually started to enjoy it after awhile, everyday I got to talk to alumni (mainly elderly) and hear them tell me stories about their lives at Point Loma and after Point Loma. Stories I never would have heard if I hadn't tried desperately to get them donate money for scholarships at their old school.

One night I had a very interesting conversation with an old man and I kept this conversation to myself over the years. I wanted to keep it to myself because I found it so beautiful and special, I guess you can say I was being a bit selfish with this beautiful story. I didn't tell anyone, not my best friends, not the boy I was dating at the time, not my sisters, not even my mom. No one. I knew one day I would share it, I thought perhaps I would share it with my husband one day or maybe my future daughter but I recently decided to share it with each one of you. Maybe because I am running out of things to write about or maybe just because I feel like you too need to hear this captivating love story around Valentine's day. So that you know, even if you are alone there is still so much hope!

The conversation started the same way I normally started them, I asked the man how he was, how he liked Point Loma, and continued with trying to get him to contribute to scholarships. He asked me if I knew the date I said yes today is March 4th. He replied by telling me that if I was wondering why he had hoist the flag it was because his wife would have been turning 85 today. If she were still alive.

I told him that I really thought that was a very sweet thing to do. The old man agreed and said "I will keep doing this every year as long as I will live."

While listening to him telling me about his beloved wife a warmth spread in my chest and my eyes were prickling. Eventually after a long conversation about how much he loved and how blessed his life had been because of her, I wished him a nice day and ended the call.

I had a smile glued to my face for the rest of the night. Not because he gave a large donation to the school but because of the picture I had stuck in my head of an old man looking up at the flag pole in his backyard and smiling.

This made me believe in love. True love that lasts forever. And I kept this story to myself because I loved it so much, but I want to share it now. I need the reminders, I need to be reminded that love lasts forever, that there is prove that love lasts forever, because you have seen it then, and then, and then.

I challenge you to share a true love story about someone you know; your parents, or grandparents, or someone who shared their love story with you. I challenge you to remind yourself and remind me that there is love that lasts forever. Please share it, help me believe.

Monday, February 7, 2011


On waiting for love.
My life has been short, I am not that old and wise yet, but I have learned quite a bit about love. A little through personal experience, but mainly through seeing others I know love. Some love and lose, some lose someone they might have loved and the lucky ones, they love each other forever. I think about that one constantly, always hoping I don't miss my chance or even worse always hoping I get a chance. My fear of never finding that love has made me create an unattainable goal in my head: find the perfect guy then you will find the perfect relationship and you will get the perfect life. That whole scenario is what I've been looking for.

But I have realized that kind of perfectness does not exist in a person. It exists in a connection, a relationship. That is what love is. Love is that person who isn't necessarily perfect, but it perfect for you.

They say real love comes when you aren't searching for it. I used to think that it was absurd to say that because most everyone is searching for love; and many do find it. But of all those people I know, who I've watched love, though it may not have lasted forever, I've realized one thing. They all loved. There isn't a person I know who could end their life saying they haven't loved. The moment I realized that was the moment I decided to stop searching. Therefore I am no longer searching for that perfect guy, for that perfect relationship, for that perfect life.

I've never been in true love. But I am waiting for it. No longer searching. Waiting, because I know it will come. And I now challenge you to do the same. Stop searching, you will have love in your life, I promise. Stop searching and wait patiently.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


In honor of the superbowl and all the dads that seem to be obsessed with sports in general, todays post is on a father's love. But my father's love is going to be nothing like my mother's love post. You see my mom and I have a way stronger, deeper, more real relationship then mine and my dad's. I mean I love my dad, and when I was younger I was a complete daddy's girl, but over the years I realized that NO one will be there for me like my mom. And when dad fails (which he did often), mom was there to pick up the pieces.
I think I am writing this to remind dads of how important their love is for their daughters. I am writing this for you girls so when you are choosing a husband one day you will remember that you want a man who will do everything he can to be there for his kids, not just be there by giving them what they ask for or buying them what they want but really really being there. I am also writing this for those boys that will one day be the dads. Please be there. Please. Because father daughter relationships are incredibly important. A dad is the person that shows his daughter what she is worth. He tells her what she deserves when he puts flowers at her bedside and when he is patient while teaching her to catch a ball and when he takes her to Tiffany's and lets her pick out something pretty and when he takes her to ice cream every Friday after school and when he sits with her and listens to everything she has to say as if it is the most interesting thing in his world, even if it is about dolls or makeup or boys. That makes her feel special and important. When a girl feels special and important by her daddy a.) she doesn't need any other boy to make her feel worthy b.) she won't settle for anything less than she deserves and c.) she will never date immature boys who cause unhealthy and unhappy relationships.
So as John Mayer says Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do. I challenge you girls to make a list of all the things your dad has done to show you that you are loved, worthy, and that you do deserve the world, then I challenge you to double that even and I challenge you to not settle for anything less then that amount of love.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


"Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror."

-Byron Katie

As self-centered as that may seem; you should be. you should be the love of your own life. Love yourself and remember that no one will love you more than God and you. Love yourself before you let someone love you.

Friday, February 4, 2011


On love.
So I've decided I would make today's post about defining love. You know, since this whole challenge is centered on love I found it kind silly of myself that I didn't start with defining love in the first place. So here is my attempt to do so.

I know that when someone asks me what I think love is, the easiest thing to do is quote 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres" and then nod and say "yes, that's love." But I feel like there are so many definitions on what love is and it is so hard to have a clear grasp on this small four letter word that means so much.

So in hopes of finding some answers, I took the time and asked several people what their definition of love is, and here is what I got:

"Love is when my mommy and daddy kiss, love is gross!" -5 year old

“Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.” -5 year old

“Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." 7 year old

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.” -8 year old

"Love is being able to admit when you are wrong and say sorry." 12 year old

"Love is when all you do is think about that person and all you want to do is be with that person." -14 year old

"Love is... i don't know what that shit is." (excuse the language, Im sure you can guess who said that) -15 year old

"I think love is something that makes you do stupid stuff, it makes you happy and sad, when in love you feel every emotion." -17 year old

"it's a passionate affection for another person, and it makes you less selfish." -19 year old

"Love is caring for a person more than you care about yourself." -24 year old

"Love is doing, not saying." - 25 year old

"Love is what keeps me going, its you, your sisters, and your brother, and matthew." -40 year old

I don't think I have ever heard so many different definitions about one word. And I liked them all. I think love is such a big word, especially for only being four letters. I think it gets tossed around way too often and I think it is sometimes misused. How many times a day do you say "I love ____" and truly mean it? And if you say "oh I love that shirt!" is that the same as when your about to hang up with your mom and you say "I love you" and is it the same as when you scream "I LOOOVE chocolate" as you enjoy that midnight chocolate bar (or maybe that's just me.) I know that they obviously don't have the same meaning but then why do we use the same word to describe how we feel about these very different things?

In honor of this love month try forming your own definition of love and then try to use that word when you mean it. Only when you really really mean it. Look at your definition everyday and before you say this word, ask yourself does it meet the criteria of my definition? And if it does then SAY IT, SAY IT and know you meant it, but if not then come up with a different word, maybe use: like or adore or appreciate or keen or care for or take interest in or fancy.

And with that said, God LOVES you.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
-1 Corinthians 13:13

Thursday, February 3, 2011


A mother's love for her child is like
nothing else in the world.
-Agatha Christie

Sometimes I think about how great it would be to once again be one of those people who have someone special loving them. One day after a devastating heartbreak I sat down on my bed and I cried at my loneliness and broken heart. Suddenly my mother came in and placed a cup of tea in my room. She sat on my bed and held my head on her lap. She let me cry. She just sat, twirling my hair, quietly, she sat. (Thinking of this moment made me tear up haha)

Moments like this, those bittersweet moments, where you wish you weren’t crying but you know you’re lucky to be in someone’s arms while you are crying, those moments make me realize that I have been loved all my life. And I just don’t always acknowledge it. Any other love is nothing compared to a mother's love. MY mother's love. What is so special about my mother's love you ask? Well, for one she is the strongest most hard-working woman I have ever met, she has always been an example of a woman who fears and praises the Lord, she has never stopped loving me or my siblings no matter how big our mistakes, she has supported every crazy idea and decision me and my crazy sisters and brother have made, and she does whatever she possibly can to see that our dreams do come true, not to mention the many trivial ways she loves us, that we so often take for granted. From making sure we have breakfast to cleaning like a mad woman ALL the time to making sure we have money in our bank accounts so we can have a fun time with friends to all the wonderful sushi dates and even shopping trips (which are probably for her more than they are for us, but that is beside the point.)

My mother has sacrificed so much for me. She has helped me get to where I am today and if it were not for her hard work and unconditional love I don’t know where I would be. Therefore I am making my mommy my Valentine this year, and I am not upset about that one bit because that is one of the best loves ever known to man. A mother’s love.

Therefore please remember to love those mommies in your life who have always been there and acknowledge the love they give you, and give it right back.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


On God's Love:

Why are you striving these days? And why are you trying to earn grace? Why are you crying, let me lift up your face. Just don’t turn away. Why are you looking FOR LOVE, why are you still searching as if I’m not enough? To where will you go child, tell me to where will you run? Cause I’ll be by your side wherever you fall in the dead of night, whenever you call and please don’t fight these hands that are holding you. MY (Jesus’) HANDS ARE HOLDING YOU. Cause I love you. I want you to know that I LOVE YOU, I’ll never let you go. – By your side by Tenth Avenue North

With words like that from our wonderful heavenly Creator, who needs a Valentine? I mean honestly. Don’t those words just fill your heart with comfort? This song has become one of my top favorites, it often helped me get through some rough days where I felt alone, and it reminded me that I am definitely absolutely not alone. He is by my side. And He is holding me. And when you finally realize that you have someone like God by your side, a Valentine’s love just seems a little juvenile. I mean really Valentine or not, no one will ever love you as much as He loves.

Look up this song, listen to the words, think about them, and reflect on what they mean to you. How important do these words in this particular song make you feel? They make me feel super duper important. Pick out your favorite part of the song, the part that makes you feel loved and adored by your Heavenly Maker.

My favorite part is where they say, “Why are you looking for love? Why are you still searching as if I’m not enough?” How many of us our guilty of constantly thinking about finding our next boyfriend or girlfriend and then to just fall in love? Or searching to find love anywhere? Well our powerful amazing Father has said that HIS LOVE IS ENOUGH. This is my favorite part – so on the second day of this Valentine’s day month I encourage you to embrace this feeling of God’s love and maybe even give back some love to Him. Spend time with him as you would a Valentine. And remember HIS LOVE IS ENOUGH (this Valentine’s day and always).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


In light of this beautiful yet dreadful, to some, holiday that is about to grace us with its presences I decided to take a 14 day challenge. Now I am not one to post everyday, I wish I could, but I just don't have that much time or creativity in my life. But I am hoping that this 14 day challenge will keep me accountable to do so for at least the 14 days and maybe after.

Now I LOVE Valentine's day, I love the colors, I love the cakes and cookies, I love the chocolate covered strawberries, I love the flowers, I love the cute dates (that this year I get to hear about from my friends), I love the idea of celebrating such a beautiful feeling, I love the decorations, oh yes and did I mention I LOVE THE COLORS?! But this is the first year in awhile that I have been single and sans a Valentine... and that I guess is what made me decide to do "14 day challenge." No I am not IN love with someone at the moment but I still believe in love entirely because I am in fact IN love with life at the moment. So if youre single this Valentine's day, instead of being one of the many bitter single souls, that I do NOT want to be apart of, join me in this 14 day adventure in finding happiness and love in your own life, I promise it won't be boring.

So this adventure will give you self-love challenges, challenges to believe in love, inspiring love stories, and help you realize how blessed and filled with love your life truly is. let's begin.

Day #1

"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance."
-Oscar Wilde

Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself. Love yourself.

Today on the first day of this "love month" how about you think about the love you have for yourself, because you can't really love someone else if you don't love yourself first. (need some help on this area? No worries, I recently wrote about self love- read it.) Then come up with 5 things you love about yourself- no matter how self-centered and conceited it sounds, no matter how long it takes, do it.

1. I love that I always find a positive in everything- no matter what
2. I love my very emotional sensitive heart
3. I love my love for books
4. I love my natural hair
5. I love my smile